Virtual Media Desk

Workshop Virtual Media Desk Read some of the latest publications and learn more about media partners for the Food Packaging Forum 2023 Workshop Chemical Watch Chemical Watch provides independent intelligence and insight for product safety professionals managing chemicals. We help businesses across value chains stay ahead of the dynamic chemicals management agenda by providing access to in-depth knowledge, tools and a network of experts. We empower our members to transform product safety management and unlock the full value of regulatory […]

News Article

Le Monde and EHN scrutinize science and authors behind recent EDC editorial

Published editorial argues exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals ’generally negligible’; Le Monde criticizes editorial’s 19 authors’ lack of scientific expertise on EDCs, citation of outdated studies, duplicate publication in eight different journals, undeclared conflicts of interest; EHN article dubs editorial ‘unethical attempt to foster the views of the chemical industry at the expense of human health’