News Article

Scientists emphasize importance for LCAs to consider plastic particle impacts

Review provides understanding of how knowledge gaps on long-term plastic particle fate affect life-cycle assessments (LCAs) and distort policy decisions; exemplifies discussion comparing a fossil-based with a biodegradable plastic; highlights importance of covering plastic particle impacts and its unknowns transparently in LCAs to allow reliable material comparisons and responsible decision making

News Article

Glass packaging continues to grow

Industry group reports 1% growth in glass packaging production, attributes increase to environmentally conscious consumers

News Article

Focus on recycling

Video and article discuss waste management and recycling practices in the U.S.; highlight PET bottle recycling and ways to shift responsibility from governments to manufacturers

News Article

Review analyzes link between ortho-phthalates and ADHD

Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks (TENDR) project publishes review in American Journal of Public Health analyzing link between ortho-phthalate exposure and impaired neurodevelopment, behavioral disorders such as ADHD; authors call for strong governmental and cooperative action, recommend reducing phthalate exposure from e.g. diet, medical equipment, personal care products