News Article

Final rule on GRAS

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues final rule on food ingredients ‘generally recognized as safe’; specifies requirements for scientific evidence; notification remains voluntary

News Article

US FDA developing post-market assessment process for chemicals in food

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developing assessment process for chemicals already on the market; covers food and color additives, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances, food contact chemicals, and non-intentionally added substances; process will be structured based on risk, divided into ‘focused’ and ‘comprehensive’ assessments; informational meeting on the proposal September 25, 2024; public comment period until December 6, 2024

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FDA report on nanotechnology

US Food and Drug Administration reports on advancements in the field of nanotechnology, its role in advancing public health through better regulation; focus on interdisciplinary collaborations and regulatory science research

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Toxic Free Food Act introduced in US

Representative Rosa DeLauro introduces Toxic Free Food Act to United States House of Representatives; bill would require US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to publicly review all chemicals related to food that are currently allowed under the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) rule; novel chemicals and carcinogens would no longer be allowed under GRAS