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Greenpeace survey on plastic bottles

Soft drink companies have limited commitment to reducing single-use plastic bottles, increasing recycled content in PET bottles, considering PET bottles’ contribution to ocean pollution, according to new Greenpeace report

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G7 charter on plastics

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and UK sign plastics charter, commit to more recycling and reuse, recovery of all plastics, reduction of single-use plastics

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Investment in fossil-based single-use plastics continues to grow

Minderoo Foundation publishes second Plastic Waste Makers Index; highlights top 20 companies responsible for producing the polymers to make single-use plastics; finds virgin plastic production increased 15 times more than recycled in two years; 1kg more single-use plastic produced per person on the planet; cradle-to-grave greenhouse gas emissions from single-use plastics in 2021 roughly equivalent to that of the UK

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Ways forward to improve polymer assessment and management

Critical review evaluates regulatory approaches of polymer assessment and management; identifies critical knowledge gaps by comparison with recent scientific findings; proposes policy options for safe and sustainable polymer use; suggest more transparency, standardized testing procedures, and improved understanding of environmental fate and hazards