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FDA colloquium on in silico methods

Society of Toxicology and U.S. Food and Drug Administration host event on in silico testing methods; presentations focus on drivers for acceptance and treatment of uncertainties

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US EPA extends PV29 TSCA evaluation comment period

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extends comment period for draft risk evaluation of C.I. Pigment Violet 29 (PV29) under its TSCA regulation; new draft adds previously confidential business data, solubility testing data, workplace air monitoring; concludes 11 of 14 conditions of use for PV29 pose unreasonable risk; toxicity debate ongoing also in Europe; EPA extends comment period for the revised draft until December 19, 2020

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Asian governments aim to expand recycled content in plastic FCMs

Overview article examines recent commitments by South Korea, China, and Thailand to launch or expand approval of recycled plastics for use in food contact materials (FCMs); lack of regional definition of ‘food grade plastic’ seen as stumbling block to many local recyclers in meeting growing demand

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Retailer report card on chemical safety

‘Mind the Store’ campaign publishes updated report scoring 43 major North American retailers on their actions to remove toxic chemicals from their products; finds improvement over past year in 63% of companies reviewed, focus has been on eliminating PFAS, ortho-phthalates, and bisphenols from products

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Recent efforts to assess nanomaterials

EU and U.S. projects and collaborations focus on nanotechnology; prioritize joint research areas, develop categorization scheme, review gaps in existing nanotoxicology research, aim to establish criteria for efficient risk assessment