News Article

Coronavirus detected on food packaging

Packaging of frozen food tested positive for coronavirus in Chinese cities; no evidence of new infections after large-scale testing campaign; experts consider risk of transmission via food and packaging to be low

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Glass industry launches sustainability label

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) announces the launch of a new symbol for recycling on glass packaging; describes it as highlighting the brands’ commitments towards sustainability and health; to be promoted for use on all glass packaging applications including food and beverage, pharma, perfumery, cosmetic products

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Perchlorate from food packaging

Civil Eats discusses the existence of perchlorate in foods as well as upstream sources from packaging and processing; decision from U.S. Food and Drug Administration on allowed use still pending

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Packaging: Food waste vs. plastic waste

C&EN presents the debate on the costs of food packaging made of flexible plastics and multilayered structures: Less food waste and economic benefits vs. more difficult recycling and negative environmental impacts

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"Zero-waste" retailers

The Huffington Post reports on U.S. grocery stores offering only bulk, unpackaged food and household products to reduce food and packaging waste

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BPA in cans from ethnic stores

Center for Environmental Health provides information on BPA presence in coatings of cans sold in small ethnic stores in U.S.; finds BPA in coatings of over 90% of surveyed cans; calls for listing of these products in California’s Proposal65 database on BPA