News Article

BPA health costs at $3 billion annually

New study concludes on thousands of preventable cases of childhood obesity and heart disease caused by BPA; economic savings estimated to outweigh costs of replacing BPA

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Long-term migration from PET

Scientists show that for PET bottles accelerated migration tests overestimate real long-term migration; suggest use of migrant- and polymer-specific diffusion parameters instead of default values

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ECHA finds health benefits outweigh costs of REACH restrictions

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) study analyzes costs and benefits of REACH restrictions proposed during 2016-2020; finds public health benefits of €2.1 billion per year outweigh costs of €0.5 billion per year; restrictions protect over seven million EU citizens from cancers, sexual development disorders, asthma, skin allergies; prevents annual release of 100 000 tons of polluting chemicals

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Tenax film for migration experiments

Scientists develop Tenax film as a more convenient alternative to Tenax powder to be used as dry foods simulant in migration experiments; migration into film is lower than into powder, offers more realistic estimation of migration into food

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PFASs in the environment

Scientists characterize global patterns of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in the environment; emissions likely to continue for years to come; more research needed to cover PFASs other than PFOS and PFOA