News Article

Safety of dishes made of wheat pulp or wood

Scientists analyze volatile compounds migrating from single-use dishes made of wheat pulp or wood; products considered safe for food contact use with respect to volatiles’ migration; migration of non-volatile substances and safety of high-temperature applications requires further study

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Public consultation to inform broad EU PFAS restriction

Group of five EU national authorities launch online questionnaire to collect information on the uses and alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); plan to develop wide-ranging joint restriction proposal on uses of PFAS; information accepted until end of July 2020

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European FCM regulation challenged

Workshop at the European Parliament discusses several major challenges to current FCM regulation and enforcement, unites diverse stakeholders in their call for improvements

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Recommendations for a circular chemical economy

Paper in Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering analyzes sources of chemical losses throughout the chemical life cycle, suggests approaches to improve chemical circularity; losses include fugitive emissions in manufacturing, dissipation in field use, impurities and regulatory incompatibility interfering with recycling; propose two changes to chemical assessments to guide sustainable production and use

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Aggregate exposure assessment for BPA

Scientists discuss aggregate exposure assessment for bisphenol A; source-to-dose (forward) and biomonitoring-based (backward) calculation resulted in similar estimates; 90% of exposure comes from diet and the remaining 10% mainly from dermal exposure