News Article

PFAS testing prompts packaging changes from US retailers, restaurants

Consumer Reports tests 118 food packaging products from 24 US fast food and grocery chains; finds PFAS in over half of the products; nearly one third of packaging products contain over 20 ppm and 22 over 100 ppm organic fluorine; several brands commit or re-commit to removing intentionally added PFAS from their packaging

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India plans to test FCMs for BPA

Government authority announces planned survey of food contact materials (FCMs) to test for presence of bisphenol A (BPA); results to be used to develop regulatory framework including maximum allowable content, leaching limits, tolerable daily intake

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OECD report on PFAS alternatives for food packaging

Report by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) investigates market availability and use of alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in paper and board coatings; finds non-fluorinated alternatives available and effective, market uptake primarily limited by increase in price

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FDA plans reorganization, monitors PFAS phase-out

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes Human Foods Program, unifying and modernizing certain functions under one program; implementation set for October 1, 2024; FDA is also monitoring PFAS phase-out, with many states implementing bans, and manufacturers switching to non-PFAS alternatives