News Article

EFSA publishes slides from BPA stakeholder meeting

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes presentation slides from stakeholder meeting on the re-evaluation of bisphenol A (BPA); EFSA scientists and other BPA working group members describe the re-evaluation process and reasons for suggesting the tolerable daily intake of BPA be lowered significantly

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Bioassay-based analysis of chemicals in paper & cardboard

Scientific study evaluates presence of hazardous chemicals in methanolic extracts from paper and cardboard food contact materials (FCMs) using several bioassays; finds oxidative stress (52%), genotoxicity (100%), impacts on xenobiotic metabolism (74%), antiandrogenic (52%) and antioestrogenic effects (39%); recommends an effect-based approach for hazard identification of food contact chemicals


Fact Bites

Fact Bites Check out our latest fact bites! These are little info nibbles about food packaging materials and food contact chemicals published to our social media channels. Learn more about each topic below and click to visit the linked resource. Additional FCMs – November 15, 2022 Food packaging is more than just glass, metal, plastic, or paper. It’s also adhesives, printing inks, coatings, and other components. Learn more Organophosphate esters – October 18, 2022 Flame-resistant food? Organophosphate esters protect stuff […]

News Article

EU launches Beating Cancer Plan

European Commission presents plan aimed to better prevent and treat cancer; includes focus on reducing exposure to hazardous substances, links to Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; Health and Environment Alliance calls on Commission to use the plan in supporting revision of outdated EU food contact material regulations