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Online symposium on EDCs and health impacts

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) together with Belgian Independent Health Insurance Funds to host online symposium on November 19, 2020; focus on reducing health impacts from endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); set to feature talks from health and policy experts; registration free of charge

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ZWE estimates lower recycling rates for beverage cartons

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) estimates recycling of beverage cartons for Germany, Spain, Sweden, and UK; uses EU’s updated recycling calculation methodology, finds results lower than reported previously by Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE) ; ZWE recommends investment in reuse and recycling infrastructure, effective collection and sorting systems, widely recognized recyclability label

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We Choose Reuse campaign publishes open letter

Break Free from Plastic announces open letter as part of ‘We Choose Reuse’ campaign, demands strong political action to set up successful reuse systems; highlights current challenges such high investment and operating costs; will be delivered to officials on June 16, 2021