News Article

Analysis finds pesticides, PFAS in plant-based packaging

EU consumer groups find chemicals of concern above recommended limits in single-use tableware made of molded plant fiber or palm leaf, and paper straws; of 57 sampled items, 53% have chemical concentrations above recommended limits, including 100% of molded plant-fiber plates and bowls; per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) present in 66% of articles, pesticide residues in 28%; argues EU must create chemical regulations for non-plastic single-use food packaging

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US FDA to review safety of BPA in food contact

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agrees to review the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) for use in food packaging; agency is responding to a petition filed by US civil society organizations after the European Food Safety Authority lowered official tolerable daily intake level of BPA by 100,000-fold

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PFAS measuring protocols likely underestimate total concentrations

Study of PFAS concentrations in consumer products finds that US Environmental Protection Agency protocol likely does not “adequately capture PFAS embodied in consumer products”; also finds “large fraction” of surface and groundwaters exceed regulatory concentrations; “future PFAS environmental burden is likely underestimated”

News Article

Study assesses migration from recycled HDPE milk bottles

Paper in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling investigates chemical migration from recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE); when recycled milk bottles mixed with non-milk-bottle rHDPE, resulting plastic contaminated with chemicals of concern; rHDPE from well-sorted, decontaminated milk bottles may be clean enough for food contact; octocrylene and octinoxate still migrate at concerning levels, reduction may require further decontamination or changes in manufacturing or legislation