News Article

Review summarizes microplastic exposures to humans

Peer-reviewed article summarizes occurrence, source, and characterization of microplastics in food and beverages; reports highly variable concentrations within and between food categories; identifies water bodies, packaging, and food handling as source of microplastic contamination

News Article

FDA denies citizen petition to ban phthalates in food contact materials

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejects two citizen petitions from 2016 asking it to remove 28 phthalates from food contact use for safety reasons; grants industry petition to remove 23 phthalates due to abandonment; FDA issues request for information on use and safety information of remaining phthalates; comments accepted until July 19, 2022

News Article

Greenpeace report criticizes plastic-to-fuel technologies

Organization reviews current chemical recycling projects, finds less than half are plastic-to-plastic recycling, none likely to become viable; criticizes labeling waste- and plastic-to-fuel technologies as ‘chemical recycling’, describes it as misleading for governments, investors and the public

News Article

Reviewing BPA’s toxicity

New study reviews toxicological research of BPA, considers BPA a toxicant to female and potentially male reproductive systems