News Article

CSS roundtable publishes enforcement recommendations

Members of the high-level roundtable on implementation of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) publishes joint report; provides ten recommendations to improve enforcement and compliance of chemicals legislation; calls for ‘whistle blower’ mechanism and support for consumer and health organizations

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Risk of PFOA evaluated

PFOA, its salts and related substances warrant global action under the Stockholm Convention; Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee considers draft risk profile of PFOA during its 12th meeting

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Study: migration into dry foods higher than US FDA assumption

Comprehensive literature review in the journal Food Additives and Contaminants investigates substance migration into dry foods and food simulants; review analyses: foods off store shelves, foods and food simulants in experimental settings, food particle characteristics, and packaging material; finds migration commonly exceeds 50 µg/kg assumed migration rate of dry foods according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

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Ways forward to improve polymer assessment and management

Critical review evaluates regulatory approaches of polymer assessment and management; identifies critical knowledge gaps by comparison with recent scientific findings; proposes policy options for safe and sustainable polymer use; suggest more transparency, standardized testing procedures, and improved understanding of environmental fate and hazards