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Study detects PFAS across US fast food restaurant packaging

Mind the Store campaign and Toxic-Free Future collect and test 29 food packaging samples from 6 US fast food chains for fluorine levels; find that burger wrappers and containers from McDonald’s and Burger King likely treated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); paper bags used for French fries and deserts have consistently high fluorine levels

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Study shows endocrine activity of BPA analogs

Bisphenol A alternatives detected in thermal paper in Switzerland, bisphenol F and bisphenol S shown to exhibit endocrine activity using in vitro and in silico tools, no significant endocrine activity found for the alternatives Pergafast® 201 and D-8

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Chemical monitoring database published

Multimedia Monitoring Database (MMDB) comprises data from 20 public monitoring data sources in harmonized machine-readable format; to support chemical exposure assessment and decision-making

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Global Commitment and Brand Audit reports 2019

New Plastics Economy progress report applauds steps taken by signatories, highlights reductions in virgin plastic use by corporations, new policies introduced by governments; reminds readers much still to be done by 2025; Break Free From Plastic publishes 2019 Brand Audit Report, calls on top brands to reduce single-use plastic items

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Packaging sustainability during the pandemic

Consultancy McKinsey & Company publishes paper on consumers’ views towards sustainability in packaging, as influenced by COVID 19 pandemic; urges more focus on proactive communication with consumers and supply chain partners, holistic approach to sustainability and hygiene requirements

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Chemical migration into coffee, canned vegetables, and Indian curd

Three research studies investigate the occurrence of chemicals in food packaging and migration into food; find average of 330 µg oligoesters migrating from cans per kg drained vegetables; report most extractable chemicals from low-density polyethylene Dahi curd packaging not included in India’s positive list; detect low levels of phthalic acid esters in coffee obtained from single-use capsules

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Contribution of packing to PFC levels in food

New study investigates impact of production and packaging on perfluorinated compound concentration in dairy products, dairy cow exposure main source, grease proof wraps an avoidable contributor