Resources Research Projects

Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard

Research project Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard The Food Packaging Forum is the host organization of the UP Scorecard – a free, easy-to-use web-based tool to assess the sustainability impacts of common foodware and food packaging choices About the UP Scorecard The Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard is a science-based online tool to help users select foodware and food packaging that is safe and environmentally sustainable. The UP Scorecard measures commonly used foodware and food packaging materials with a single yardstick to […]

FCChumon Database

Database FCChumon database A systematic evidence map to explore food contact chemicals measured in humans Jump to dashboard About FCChumon Humans are exposed to food contact chemicals (FCCs) that migrate from food packaging and other food contact article into the food. Studies show that over 4000 FCCs have been measured in migrates or extracts of food contact materials (FCMs), and more than 12,000 chemicals have been reported globally to be intentionally used across all types of FCMs. However, no previous […]

News Article

ZWE estimates lower recycling rates for beverage cartons

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) estimates recycling of beverage cartons for Germany, Spain, Sweden, and UK; uses EU’s updated recycling calculation methodology, finds results lower than reported previously by Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE) ; ZWE recommends investment in reuse and recycling infrastructure, effective collection and sorting systems, widely recognized recyclability label

News Article

Video explains BPA health risks

Online video covers European Food and Safety Agency’s latest scientific opinion on bisphenol A


Food Contact Materials and Health: A Crash Course

A Crash Course in Food Contact Materials and Health Are you new to the field and looking for a clear introduction to the latest science of food contact materials and health? On this page, we brought together an overview of all the basics in short videos and training modules. While our website still has many more in-depth resources to explore, this page is a great place to start. What are the Basics on Food Packaging and Chemicals? This webinar featuring […]