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Media coverage

The Food Packaging Forum in the media: a selection of articles

News Article

FDA letter on plastic FCM fluorination

In a letter, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds manufacturers, distributors, and users “that only certain fluorinated polyethylene containers are authorized for food contact use”; reminder necessary following recent findings by US EPA and civil society organizations that some manufacturers are not following FDA regulations

News Article

Study: migration into dry foods higher than US FDA assumption

Comprehensive literature review in the journal Food Additives and Contaminants investigates substance migration into dry foods and food simulants; review analyses: foods off store shelves, foods and food simulants in experimental settings, food particle characteristics, and packaging material; finds migration commonly exceeds 50 µg/kg assumed migration rate of dry foods according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Current policy engagement opportunities The Food Packaging Forum works within the interface between science and policy. Here we track public consultation opportunities relating to food contact around the globe. Policy subject Organization/Region Closing date Draft standard – heavy metal migration stoneware containers for general purposes Bureau of Indian Standards, India July 25, 2024 Consulting on changes to reducing costs to businesses moving from EU REACH regime to UK REACH Defra, UK July 25, 2024 Rulemaking and implementation of extended producer […]