Resources Research Projects

FCCH Project

Research project Food Contact Chemicals & Human Health Project The Food Packaging Forum is systematically investigating the use and hazards of food contact chemicals, their migration into foods, presence in humans, and associated health effects Mapping the Evidence on FCCs Food packaging and other food contact articles are a source of human exposure to chemicals. This is because many of the food contact chemicals (FCCs) that are present in food contact materials (FCMs) are not tightly bound within the material’s […]

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Review summarizes microplastic exposures to humans

Peer-reviewed article summarizes occurrence, source, and characterization of microplastics in food and beverages; reports highly variable concentrations within and between food categories; identifies water bodies, packaging, and food handling as source of microplastic contamination

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BPA absorption in the mouth

Scientists compare internal levels and metabolism of BPA after gavage or diet administration; demonstrate significant buccal absorption of BPA from solid foods

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New Australian lab to measure micro- and nanoplastics in humans

University of Queensland opens one of the world’s first plastics contamination-controlled labs jointly with Minderoo Foundation; studies micro- and nanoplastics in human blood and tissue samples; steel walls, cotton lab coats, and extensive testing of all construction materials limits environmental plastic contamination

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PFAS detected in European disposable food packaging

Coalition of civil society organizations samples paper food packaging articles from major fast-food chains and supermarkets across six European countries; chemical analysis finds 32 articles were intentionally treated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); differences identified among countries, results show the currently few national regulations on PFAS are effective where they are in place