News Article

CVORR analysis: Bio-based vs. conventional plastics

Scientists compile matrix to compare the sustainability impacts of fossil carbon-based with bio-based plastics in the food packaging value chain; apply Complex Value Optimization for Resource Recovery (CVORR) base-line analysis, social, economic, environmental, technical metrics; study highlights knowledge gaps; discusses land-use change, chemical migration, eco-labels, biodegradability standards

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Opinion: FDA reviews needed

Survey finds consumers increasingly value safety and transparency in their food; Tom Neltner argues that meeting these demands necessitates FDA review of all food product ingredients

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Edible six-pack rings

U.S. companies develop six-pack rings for beer cans made from barley and wheat; claim product is biodegradable, compostable and edible for humans and wildlife

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NGO recommendations for sustainable chemistry

Position paper by several international NGOs calls for stronger definition of sustainable chemistry, phase-out of hazardous chemicals, internalization of pollution costs, full disclosure of chemical ingredients

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OECD report on PFAS alternatives for food packaging

Report by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) investigates market availability and use of alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in paper and board coatings; finds non-fluorinated alternatives available and effective, market uptake primarily limited by increase in price