News Article

ECHA grants over 32,000 registration numbers

ECHA issues 32,515 registration numbers for dossiers submitted by final 2018 registration deadline; 1% of dossiers rejected; non-confidential data published on ECHA’s website


FCCmigex Database

Database FCCmigex database A systematic evidence map to explore migrating and extractable food contact chemicals Jump to dashboard About FCCmigex The Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex) systematically maps the scientific evidence of food contact chemicals (FCCs) that have been measured in migrates and extracts of food contact materials and articles. It was compiled by a team of researchers from the Food Packaging Forum together with colleagues from eight academic institutions. The scientists analyzed 1,355 scientific studies […]

News Article

Australia sets national packaging targets

Targets set to be achieved by 2025; include 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging, 70% recycling or composting rate, 30% average recycled content in packaging, phasing out problematic and unnecessary single-use plastic packaging