News Article

Special issue on EDCs and behavior

Special issue of peer-reviewed journal Hormones and Behavior focuses on endocrine disrupting chemicals’ effects on behavior; articles address molecular mechanisms, animal studies and epidemiological observations, discuss specific chemicals including BPA, triclosan, PBDEs, PFASs

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Indonesia updating national regulation on food contact materials

Indonesia’s draft food contact regulation reorganizes material groups; includes positive and negative substance lists, specific and overall migration limits; testing guidance based on food type, contact time, and temperature; public consultation closed in December 2023, final version expected in 2024

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Rising perchlorate in food likely due to packaging

Total diet study by U.S. FDA finds perchlorate levels in food increased in 2008-2012 compared to 2003-2006; NGOs suggest this may be due to perchlorate’s use in food packaging first allowed in 2005; concerns voiced about potential impacts on child development

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Recommendations on implementation of EPR

Upstream publishes overview article discussing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, sees recent improvements; views EPR as foundation of circular economy and calls for EPR policies to also focus on developing new reuse/refill systems, include targets for litter prevention and mitigation; advocates for binding reuse targets similar to EU’s recycling targets to create conditions for businesses to safely invest in upscaling reuse