News Article

7th Swiss Green Economy Symposium discusses plastics

Annual event brings together range of stakeholders, holds innovation forum to discuss plastics use; Swiss authority calls for more research into terrestrial plastic pollution, advocates following precautionary principle; industry questions current economic viability of chemical recycling

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Report on saving chemicals management costs

OECD publishes report reviewing the reduction of chemicals management costs due to its programs; €300 million annually in savings estimated from reducing trade barriers, avoiding duplicate testing

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Survey on willingness to pay to avoid health impacts

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to improve methodologies for assessing costs and benefits of chemicals management; planned study to include surveys on consumers’ willingness to pay to avoid adverse health and environmental impacts

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Survey: packaging importance grows for brands

L.E.K Consulting conducts survey among 250 brand owners of packaged consumer goods; 75% expect to increase spending on packaging this year, expand focus on biodegradable, recycled, or compostable materials