News Article

EU and U.S. approaches to NIAS

Keller and Heckman article discusses existing regulations related to non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); compares EU and U.S. approaches, outlines risk assessment steps

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Australia to ban exporting recyclable waste

Prime Minister announces goal of banning waste plastic, paper, and glass exports; reviewing options to better handle and reduce waste domestically; bans to be implemented ‘as soon as practicable’

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Study finds BPS depresses heart function

Scientists from University of Guleph report bisphenol S (BPS) and bisphenol A (BPA) able to decrease systolic pressure and rates of contraction and relaxation within minutes of exposure in mice; BPS found to be more potent than BPA, raises concerns about its use as substitute in plastics

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FDA defends GRAS rule

U.S. Food and Drug Administration argues notification program for food additives generally recognized as safe is reasonable; calls for court to judge in its favor in ongoing litigation

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Amended Taiwanese chemicals law

Taiwan’s chemical substance control act amended to add focus on ‘chemical substances of concern’; introduces conditions that can be applied upon registration

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Resources on EDCs for endocrinologists and patients

Endocrine Society publishes new resource website with summary videos on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); provide introduction, overview of links to metabolic diseases, cost effective steps for reducing exposure; more videos to be published in coming months