News Article

United States creating interagency national strategy on food loss and waste

Three US federal agencies publish draft strategy on food loss and waste prevention; goal to reduce loss and waste by 50% by 2030; includes concerns around physical and chemical contamination of organic waste from packaging; planned investments in “innovative” materials; draft strategy open for comment through January 4, 2024

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FCCmigex database updated

The Food Packaging Forum updates Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex); encompasses 149 additional studies with more than 4600 new entries

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Report focuses on plastics, EDCs, and health

Guide developed by Endocrine Society and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) informs public interest organizations and policy-makers about presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics; explains impacts of EDCs on human health, considers economic dimension

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Taiwan bans PVC in food packaging

Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) announces food packaging made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will no longer be allowed by July 2023 and it is strengthening its scheme to reduce use of single-use plastic cups

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Review of technologies for PHA production

Scientists review three main routes for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production, including microbiological, enzymatic, chemical; microbiological and chemical routes most favorable for scaling-up; remaining high costs compared to fossil-based plastics necessitate search for cheaper feedstocks, optimization of production efficiencies