News Article

Five EU Member States register intention to restrict PFAS

Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden jointly inform the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) of their intention to submit a REACH restriction dossier on PFAS in 2022; stakeholders can contribute information to inform the dossier’s development until September 19, 2021

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MigraTox: Optimizing in vitro testing of FCMs

Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology (OFI) initiates MigraTox project to work on optimizing and standardizing sample preparation and bioassays for in vitro testing of food contact materials; focuses on genotoxicity assays; calls on industrial partners to collaborate and provide samples

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Ways towards more sustainable packaging

Brands, packaging producers and other stakeholders gather in Barcelona to discuss sustainable packaging; current focus on increasing recycling, but packaging reduction and reuse are the mid-term aims; chemical safety only touched upon briefly

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California modifies draft circular economy bill

State lawmakers adapt proposed legislation on single use packaging and recycling following stakeholder discussions, keep target for 75% recycling rate by 2030, add language regarding material neutral treatment and use of a stakeholder advisory panel