News Article

Presence of chemicals of concern hinder plastic recycling

Report published by civil society organization ChemSec finds eliminating chemicals of concern from plastic waste crucial for upscaling plastic recycling, realizing circular economy; companies struggling to comply with chemical requirements; report recommends phasing out chemicals of concern from new products, may open up substantial market opportunities

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Mercosur updates plastic food packaging regulation

South American trade bloc to no longer allow bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic food contact articles designed for children under 3 years old, lowers migration limit from other plastic FCAs; sets migration limits for 9 metals from plastic FCAs; adds substances to positive list for plastics and for cellulosic materials

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Canada paves way for future regulations on plastics

Government lists plastic products in Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) as “toxic”; legal step required in order to move forward with new regulation, product restrictions; will support government in implementing national plastic plans

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Recommendations for a circular chemical economy

Paper in Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering analyzes sources of chemical losses throughout the chemical life cycle, suggests approaches to improve chemical circularity; losses include fugitive emissions in manufacturing, dissipation in field use, impurities and regulatory incompatibility interfering with recycling; propose two changes to chemical assessments to guide sustainable production and use