News Article

EFSA’s activities on emerging risks

European Food Safety Authority publishes report summarizing activities related to emerging risk identification in 2018; considers food contact additives and related challenges of substituting materials

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EDC criteria awaited

CHEM Trust summarizes events surrounding the setting of EDC criteria in the EU; proposes science-based criteria considering endocrine mode of action linked to adverse effect; potency should not be included in criteria

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Method for measuring nanoparticles

Scientific publication details new method for measuring the precise dose of nanomaterials in cells and fluids, important advancement for risk assessment of entire material class

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Study finds lack of data on PFAEs

Report from Nordic Council of Ministers reviews public information available for per- and polyfluoroalkylether substances (PFAEs); identifies 394 substances, find more than half do not exist in public chemical databases; limited data on identity, production, and uses

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ECHA: 2016 SVHC roadmap report

ECHA releases annual report on progress in identifying substances of very high concern; calls on companies to improve REACH registration data to assess chemicals’ hazards and risks; will focus more on groups of structurally similar substances

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Washington state passes bold chemicals legislation

Pollution Prevention for Our Future Act calls on state department to identify and take action on priority substances and products; legislation covers food and beverage packaging, could restrict use of substances