Resources Research Projects

Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard

Research project Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard The Food Packaging Forum is the host organization of the UP Scorecard – a free, easy-to-use web-based tool to assess the sustainability impacts of common foodware and food packaging choices About the UP Scorecard The Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard is a science-based online tool to help users select foodware and food packaging that is safe and environmentally sustainable. The UP Scorecard measures commonly used foodware and food packaging materials with a single yardstick to […]

News Article

Science and statecraft at the second Plastics Treaty negotiation

Diplomats from across the globe descended on Paris, France to continue developing the UN treaty on plastics pollution; Scientist’s Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty members spoke to delegates from every continent, representing 33% of the world’s population; UN secretariat will develop INC-2 synthesis report, create zero draft by INC-3; elements for intersessional work can be submitted until August 15, 2023; INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya in November 2023