News Article

Microplastics in food: occurrence, source, detection, and perception

Three studies investigate microplastics in foods; review summarizes particle migration from food packaging into honey and calls for universal analysis methods; research study presents analytical method to detect and identify microplastics in certain foods; survey finds public seems unaware of food packaging as microplastic source and seldomly connects microplastics with human health consequences

News Article

FDA letter on plastic FCM fluorination

In a letter, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds manufacturers, distributors, and users “that only certain fluorinated polyethylene containers are authorized for food contact use”; reminder necessary following recent findings by US EPA and civil society organizations that some manufacturers are not following FDA regulations

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High-pressure effects on flexible packaging

High-pressure processing can change functional structures and migration potential from flexible packaging materials; coated and laminated structures most sensitive; more research needed to find most suitable materials and packaging designs

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U.S. authorities’, CHEM Trust’s recent efforts on PFAS

U.S. EPA submits proposals for significant new use rule for long-chain PFAS, additions to toxics release inventory; Connecticut PFAS task force publishes draft action plan, proposes to evaluate requiring disclosure of PFAS in products; CHEM Trust publishes briefing on PFAS calling for urgent action on the entire family of chemicals

News Article

California sets safe level for styrene

State of California adopts No Significant Risk Level for styrene of 27 µg/day under Proposition 65; styrene exposure from polystyrene food packaging assumed to be low, likely requiring no warning label