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EFSA FCM working group: 7th meeting

Minutes of the 7th meeting of EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on food contact materials now available online; group discusses three draft opinions including review of untreated wood flour and fibers

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ECHA proposal restricting N,N-dimethylformamide

European Chemicals Agency committees support proposal to restrict use of substance both alone and in mixtures with concentration of 0.3% or greater; public consultation on socio-economic analysis to begin soon, proposal expected to be adopted in December 2019

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EU court confirms BPA as SVHC

General Court of the European Union upholds bisphenol A as a substance of very high concern, ruling follows complaint by Plastics Europe regarding consideration of information on intermediate uses

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Report critically reviews socioeconomic assessments

New Economics Foundation publishes report investigating use of discount rates in socioeconomic assessments for industrial chemicals regulations under REACH; recommends considering precautionary principle regardless of economic effects, questions whether effects should be monetized

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EFSA phthalates working group: 9th meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on phthalates reviews comments received during public consultation on draft opinion of DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP, DIDP; revisions and responses to comments to be discussed in future meeting