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BEF Germany brochure on FCMs and chemicals

Non-governmental organization Baltic Environmental Forum Germany (BEF) publishes brochure providing general introduction and overview of hazardous chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs), common material types, tips for reducing exposure

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Hazardous substances in food contact

A new scientific publication by the Food Packaging Forum identifies hazardous substances legally used in food contact

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Chemical migration into coffee, canned vegetables, and Indian curd

Three research studies investigate the occurrence of chemicals in food packaging and migration into food; find average of 330 µg oligoesters migrating from cans per kg drained vegetables; report most extractable chemicals from low-density polyethylene Dahi curd packaging not included in India’s positive list; detect low levels of phthalic acid esters in coffee obtained from single-use capsules

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Substitution analysis for plastic packaging

Life cycle assessment study commissioned by American Chemistry Council finds packaging plastics to have more favorable environmental profile than alternatives made of glass, metal, paper, textile, wood

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EFSA’s activities on emerging risks

European Food Safety Authority publishes report summarizing activities related to emerging risk identification in 2018; considers food contact additives and related challenges of substituting materials

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EDC criteria awaited

CHEM Trust summarizes events surrounding the setting of EDC criteria in the EU; proposes science-based criteria considering endocrine mode of action linked to adverse effect; potency should not be included in criteria

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Method for measuring nanoparticles

Scientific publication details new method for measuring the precise dose of nanomaterials in cells and fluids, important advancement for risk assessment of entire material class