News Article

Report on difficult-to-recycle materials

ASTRX (Applying Systems Thinking to Recycling) project publishes report reviewing efficiency of packaging materials through recycling processes; highlights flexible films and shrink sleeves as problematic, calls for increased purchasing of recycled content to boost market demand

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Safety of DEHCH

EFSA assesses safety of bis(2-ethylhexyl)cyclohexane-1,4-dicarboxylate (DEHCH) for use as plasticizer in PVC; concluded to present no safety concerns; uncertainty remains about bioaccumulation potential in humans

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EEB challenges ECHA to 10 REACH improvements

European Environmental Bureau recommends tasks for ECHA to increase transparency, enable precautionary principle, allocate burden of proof onto industry, promote substitution; plans to evaluate and communicate on progress made in one year

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Survey: packaging importance grows for brands

L.E.K Consulting conducts survey among 250 brand owners of packaged consumer goods; 75% expect to increase spending on packaging this year, expand focus on biodegradable, recycled, or compostable materials

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Study finds lack of data on PFAEs

Report from Nordic Council of Ministers reviews public information available for per- and polyfluoroalkylether substances (PFAEs); identifies 394 substances, find more than half do not exist in public chemical databases; limited data on identity, production, and uses