
Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database

Brand & retailer Initiatives Database To help keep track of the global shift towards chemically safe and more resource-conscious food packaging, the Food Packaging Forum has developed a database of voluntary initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers Jump to dashboard About the database In an effort to improve the chemical safety and resource efficiency of the food contact materials (FCMs) and articles (FCAs) they use, food brands and retailers from around the world have gone beyond legal requirements […]

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FPF comments on EU BPA restriction

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comments to the European Commission on the restriction of bisphenol A in food contact materials; supports the proposed regulation; advocates for shorter transition periods, broader coverage, and development of more advanced detection methods

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UN publishes Plastics Treaty zero draft

The “zero draft” is a starting point for discussion and amendments ahead of November’s Plastics Treaty negotiation in Kenya; each proposed treaty element includes options of varying ambition; Part II focuses on elements of plastics’ life cycle, including chemicals and polymers of concern; Option 1 imposes strict limitations, Option 2 mandates minimal usage, Option 3 leaves it to national action plans; Annex A provides potential criteria for determining chemicals and polymers of concern, along with options for development and usage within the Treaty