News Article

Fresenius Conference on EDCs

Fresenius Academy holds 7th International Conference on EDCs; UK regulatory representative and pesticide industry call for inclusion of ‘potency perspective’ in EDC identification criteria; most other country representatives and NGOs in favor of hazard-based identification

News Article

European court annuls previous decision to identify TiO2 as carcinogenic

Court of Justice of the European Union reverses earlier court ruling identifying titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a carcinogen via inhalation; finds Risk Assessment Committee did not consider all necessary factors and criteria for having intrinsic hazard not met; legal institutions now responsible for addressing changes needed to adapt to court’s decision

News Article

OECD publishes guidance on identifying chemical alternatives

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) publication aims to increase agreement on approach and criteria for alternatives selection, set minimum requirements to determine safer substitutes; provides guidance on setting scope, using comparative hazard and exposure assessments, comparing trade-offs; applies framework in example case study