News Article

Researchers detect microplastics in human semen and heart

Four recent studies assess microplastics: in human semen, heart, from baby food containers, and suitability of in vitro models to investigate human health effects; find microplastics in six out of ten semen samples, find impacts on semen quality; samples from cardiac surgery patients contain microplastics in heart and surrounding tissue; billions of nano- and microplastics released from plastic baby food containers; outline challenges and recommendation of studying plastic particles in vitro

News Article

Study maps global uses of PFAS

Researchers publish peer-reviewed study identifying over 200 use categories and subcategories for more than 1,400 individual per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); finds the substances are used in almost all industry sectors and many consumer products; calls for public release of usage data

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Risk assessing chemical mixtures

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre reviews risk assessments of chemical mixtures for e.g. pesticides, phthalates, and FCMs; identifies need to address mixtures across chemical classes and legislative sectors