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GAIA report: ‘All talk and no recycling’

Global Initiative for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) report investigates chemical recycling projects in the US; advocates against plastic-to-fuel processes, rejects use of term ‘chemical recycling’ to describe them; American Chemistry Council (ACC) statement defends technology’s potential

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China developing or updating many food safety standards in 2024

China’s National Health Commission publishes new standard for food contact adhesives, effective February 2025; also publishes food safety standards development plan for 2024 including three pertaining to food contact chemical migration; evaluation of food contact plastics recycling may also come this year

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Four new SVHCs proposed

EU member states propose four new substances for inclusion on REACH Candidate list of substances of very high concern for Authorization; all substances relevant for food contact

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FPF comments on FCCs under review for REACH Candidate List

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is reviewing five food contact chemicals (FCCs) for possible inclusion on the REACH Candidate List of SVHCs; Food Packaging Forum (FPF) shares information on where the FCCs have been measured in food contact; two are on the EU positive list for chemicals in plastic food contact materials; FCCs under consideration for SVHC status and allowed in FCMs highlights need to create stronger connection between FCM regulation and REACH