Coronavirus and Packaging

CorOnavirus & Packaging During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food Packaging Forum helps to gather, summarize, and communicate relevant information related to food packaging and human health Overview The spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has had impacts across all sectors. As health authorities and scientists around the world work towards identifying solutions to bring the situation under control, the Food Packaging Forum is monitoring the situation closely. This page serves as a resource providing an overview of relevant scientific studies, […]

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Report envisions smart supermarkets with less packaging

Greenpeace publishes report presenting alternative technologies and approaches to remove single-use packaging from grocery stores; presents example case studies applicable to fresh foods, personal products, take-away, checkout, and online shopping

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Chemical Hazard Data Commons

U.S. NGO Healthy Building Network launches free online resource Chemical Hazard Data Commons aggregating hazard determinations for over 85 000 substances, aimed to facilitate substitution of hazardous chemicals