News Article

Glass industry launches sustainability label

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) announces the launch of a new symbol for recycling on glass packaging; describes it as highlighting the brands’ commitments towards sustainability and health; to be promoted for use on all glass packaging applications including food and beverage, pharma, perfumery, cosmetic products

News Article

Researches develop and evaluate methods for food contact chemical determination

Propose method to analyze chemical markers of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) from printing inks in food packaging; present workflow that includes in silico prediction tools to identify nonvolatile migrates from food packaging; evaluate efficiency and reliability of methodology for non-target identification of volatile substances


Brand and Retailer Initiatives Database

Brand & retailer Initiatives Database To help keep track of the global shift towards chemically safe and more resource-conscious food packaging, the Food Packaging Forum has developed a database of voluntary initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers Jump to dashboard About the database In an effort to improve the chemical safety and resource efficiency of the food contact materials (FCMs) and articles (FCAs) they use, food brands and retailers from around the world have gone beyond legal requirements […]

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FPF Workshop 2018: Proceedings online

6th annual Food Packaging Forum workshop focuses on new science and digital opportunities to predict the safety of food contact articles; video recordings, presentation slides, summary articles now available online