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UK regulator acts to limit greenwashing

Advertising Standards Authority informs Pepsi Lipton International and Aqua Pura their “100% recycled” and “eco-friendly” labeling breaches advertising code; advertising implies the whole beverage container made from recycled materials even though cap and label are from virgin material; argue that eco-friendly label needs evidence

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Wrap: packaging encourages household food waste

UK civil society organization Wrap finds selling produce without plastic packaging and date labels would save 100,000 tons food and 10,300 tons plastic in UK yearly; fruits and vegetables studied have the same shelf life without packaging; packaging sizes encourage overconsumption; date labeling encourages early disposal; Foodwatch petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for produce by 2026

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Documents suggest plastic recycling never intended to work

EcoWatch article presents evidence that manufacturers knew since 1970s that plastic recycling is not viable economically; recent survey finds only 1/3 of UK food product packaging locally recyclable; manufacturer singles out PET as way forward towards circular economy

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Push to ban polystyrene packaging in London

London restaurant chefs call for ban on polystyrene food packaging; UK food packaging association opposes request; recycler says focus should be on creating circular material systems

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Flexible plastic packaging expected to grow

Market research by the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI) estimates 3,271 billion packaging units sold in 2018, led by flexible plastics and PET bottles; expects both material types to also see greatest increases by 2023

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Industry survey on glass packaging and consumers

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) reports results from recent survey on European consumers; finds increase in glass packaging purchases, decisions being driven increasingly by recyclability and environmental considerations

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Review on EDCs and breast cancer calls for research inclusivity

Researchers review association between endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure, specifically per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and parabens, and breast cancer development; report structural racism increases EDC exposure of marginalized communities; emphasize need for considering socially disadvantaged populations in research to mitigate exposure and improve breast cancer disparities; review finds bisphenol A (BPA) replacements BPS and BPF as carcinogenic as BPA