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Updated dossier on NIAS

FPF publishes 2nd edition of NIAS dossier and updated summary article, including new examples of non-intentionally added substances and risk assessment concepts; German translation of dossier available

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EFSA proposes to lower daily tolerable intake of bisphenol A

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) re-evaluation proposes to significantly lower the tolerable daily intake of bisphenol A (BPA) from 4 to 0.00004 micrograms per kilogram of bodyweight per day due to immune system effects; finds many consumers likely exposed beyond the new safe limit; feedback accepted on the draft opinion until February 22, 2022

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1.8 mio t of PET bottles recycled in 2015

Report commissioned by Petcore Europe reveals that 59% of all PET bottles placed on the European market were collected for recycling in 2015; report to be discussed at Petcore Europe 2017 conference

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Health risks of aluminum FCMs

Scientists evaluate consumer health risks from food contact articles made of aluminum; tolerable weekly intake may be significantly exceeded with grill pans and camping cookware used with acidic foodstuffs

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CoE resolution calls for harmonized EU FCM regulation

Council of Europe (CoE) releases resolution on safety and quality of food contact materials (FCMs); calls for harmonization of quality requirements and test procedures for chemicals in FCMs based on technical guides; recommends to implement measures reducing health risks from exposures

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5th retailer report card on chemical safety

‘Mind the Store’ campaign publishes updated report card scoring 50 major North American retailers on their actions to remove toxic chemicals from their products; finds improvement over last year in 70% of companies reviewed, focus has remained on eliminating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), ortho-phthalates, and bisphenols from products