News Article

The Guardian discusses plastic food container safety

Article introduces recent research quantifying chemicals that could be present in packaging, testing chemical toxicity; emphasizes chemical unknowns, recommends tips for consumers to minimize chemical and plastic particle exposure

News Article

Mapping microplastics in the male reproductive system

Study provides an in-depth look at microplastics in the male reproductive system, analyzes human and mouse samples to chart concentrations and polymer types; finds microplastics in all human testes samples and majority of semen samples; larger plastic particles may get trapped in testis, leading to higher concentrations; identifies correlation between urbanization, home-cooked meals, and body scrub used to microplastics concentration

News Article

International collaboration to improve chemical risk assessment in Europe

Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) begins operations; Horizon Europe project aims to “move towards a new generation of chemical risk assessment” through improved forecasting of emerging risks and accounting for combined risks; builds on the work of the European Joint Program on human biomonitoring (HBM4EU)

News Article

Recommendations for a circular chemical economy

Paper in Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering analyzes sources of chemical losses throughout the chemical life cycle, suggests approaches to improve chemical circularity; losses include fugitive emissions in manufacturing, dissipation in field use, impurities and regulatory incompatibility interfering with recycling; propose two changes to chemical assessments to guide sustainable production and use