On June 2-3, 2016 the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the Paris Risk Group (PRG) are hosting a two-day workshop on “Participation in risk assessment – Modes of risk governance in European risk assessment and risk management institutions” in Berlin, Germany. The workshop takes a look at theoretical approaches in support of public participation and stakeholder involvement in risk assessment, and other approaches that are more skeptical of these elements. Further, real-life experiences from different countries and institutions will be presented, providing an overview of already existing and established participation procedures at different levels of the risk analysis process. Finally, the experiences presented will be discussed with social scientists, risk assessors, risk managers, and risk communicators, enabling a dialogue on the pros and cons of participation with stakeholders from all parts of the risk analysis process. Registration is open until May 25, 2016.

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BfR (2016). “Participation in risk assessment – Modes of risk governance in European risk assessment and risk management institutions.