In an article published on February 22, 2019, news provider Chemical Watch informed about an upcoming webinar by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide information on reporting requirements related to active and inactive chemical substances in the U.S..

The agency recently updated its Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory after manufacturers and importers were required to provide a notification of substances they manufactured or imported over the past ten years. This resulted in the agency identifying that just 47% of the 86,228 chemicals in the inventory are currently “active” (actually in commerce). All of the other chemicals in the inventory are set to become “inactive.” Unless they obtain a special exemption, users of chemicals in the U.S. will then need to ensure that a substance is listed as active before they are allowed to manufacture, import, or process it. Any companies that plan to manufacture or import these soon-to-be inactive chemicals now have less than 90 days to submit a notification (Form B) to change this status.

The EPA webinar scheduled for March 13, 2019 “will include an overview of filing a Notice of Activity Form B, a demo of the electronic reporting application, and time for questions and answers.”

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Chemical Watch (February 22, 2019). “EPA to host TSCA inventory reporting webinar.

U.S. EPA (February, 2019). “TSCA Inventory Notification (Active-Inactive) Rule Reporting Webinar.

Kelly Franklin (February 20, 2019). “EPA releases updated TSCA inventory.

U.S. EPA (February 19, 2019). “EPA Releases First Major Update to Chemicals List in 40 Years.