On January 28, 2014 the environmental news agent Ecowatch published an article reporting that 33 U.S. States plan policies to address untested toxic chemicals in consumer products for 2014. Policies considered by the States include disclosure rules for manufactures and the phase-out of specific compounds including bisphenol A (BPA), formaldehyde and certain flame retardants. BPA and formaldehyde have been found to migrate from food contact materials (FCMs) into food stuffs. Sarah Doll, journalist for Ecowatch, argues that the chemical industry has lobbied heavily to prevent the passing of chemical safety laws, nevertheless, most of the state initiatives in the past 10 years were adopted with broad bipartisan support. The article includes a list of legal initiatives and the States to consider them throughout 2014.

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Sarah Doll (January 28, 2014). “Is Your State One of the 33 Taking Action on Toxic Chemicals?.Ecowatch.