In a press release published on August 29, 2019, the non-governmental organization (NGO) Zero Waste Europe announced the publication of its study titled “El Dorado of Chemical Recycling, State of play and policy challenges.” The report reviews the information available and state of implementation within Europe regarding three types of chemical recycling technology: solvent based purification, chemical depolymerization, and thermal depolymerization and cracking. Each type is introduced along with the polymers they are relevant for. The authors write that “chemical recycling could be a complementary solution to mechanical recycling where the latter is unsuited to materially recover plastic because it is too degraded, contaminated or too complex.” However, they write that “the chemical recycling hype should not divert attention from the real solution to plastic pollution which is replacing single-use plastics, detoxifying and simplifying new plastics, and designing business models to make efficient use of plastics.” The study also provides recommendations for the development of a policy framework to apply chemical recycling “as complementary to mechanical recycling and to ensure that carbon stays in the plastic and is not released into the environment.”

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Zero Waste Europe (August 29, 2019). “Press Release: El Dorado of Chemical Recycling, State of play and policy challenges.”

Chemical Watch (August 29, 2019). “NGO paper examines EU chemical recycling policies.”

Shahrzad Pourriahi (September 2, 2019). “Zero Waste Europe sees futuer in chemical recycling.

Cefic (September 4, 2019). “Chemical recycling is gaining momentum.


Zero Waste Europe (August 29, 2019). “El Dorado of Chemical Recycling, State of play and policy challenges.” (pdf)