From November 28, 2017 to December 26, 2017, the European Commission (EC) held a public consultation on its “evaluation and fitness check roadmap” regarding the food contact materials (FCMs) framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 (FPF reported). 26 comments from different stakeholders from Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Romania, United Kingdom, and Switzerland were submitted during the feedback period. 13 of the comments were provided by business associations, seven by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), two by companies or business organizations, two by public authorities, and two more by other types of organizations.

The Food Packaging Forum (FPF) responded to the consultation on December 22, 2017. FPF highlighted its recent peer-reviewed publication on scientific challenges in the risk assessment of food contact materials (FPF reported), where several challenges are discussed and opportunities for addressing them are described. According to this analysis, addressing actual chemical mixture exposure from finished food contact articles (FCAs) is preferable to focusing on starting substances used in the manufacture of FCAs. Innovative approaches are needed to protect public health from harmful chemical exposures to mixtures of overall migrants in addition to individual food contact chemicals (FCCs). In particular, highly vulnerable population groups such as developing fetuses need to be protected.

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EC (November 28, 2017). “Evaluation of food contact materials (FCM).

Clelia Oziel (January 9, 2018). “Trade groups call for harmonised EU regulations for FCMs.Chemical Watch

Clelia Oziel (January 10, 2018). “Default EU ban needed on hazardous substances in FCMs, NGOs say.Chemical Watch