Hundreds of scientists have signed an open letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) denouncing their announced plans to remove animal testing requirements at the agency by 2035. The scientists argue that “animal-based research and testing is critical for understanding how new chemicals and environmental substances affect human and non-human animals.” They argue that the new policy “is in direct conflict with the agency’s mission to protect the health of Americans, animals, and the environment.” They disagree with the EPA’s claims that new methods exists that are better able to predict potential hazards than animal models and find that “it is not backed by scientific evidence” and it also does not “appear that it included input from experts in toxicology.” The letter is currently open for signature from all scientists based in the U.S. The EPA’s plans to phase out animal testing were first reported by an article published in The Intercept in July 2019.

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Speaking of Research (October 15, 2019). “Sign onto open letter denouncing EPA decision on animal research.” Chemical Watch

Emma Davies (October 15, 2019). “Almost 700 scientists criticise US EPA’s plans to stop animal testing.” Chemical Watch

Miranda Green (September 10, 2019). “EPA takes major step toward ending animal testing.” The Hill

Sharon Lerner (July 3, 2019). “EPA move to phase out animal experiments could mean the end of toxics regulations.” The Intercept