On April 10, 2020, the civil society organizations Clean Production Action (CPA), the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA), and the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2) jointly published a report reviewing existing public policies related to chemical ingredient transparency in consumer products. The report provides “a narrative summary of the major US state laws mandating ingredient disclosure and the voluntary reporting HPD [(Health Product Declaration)] Open Standard,” as well as a summary of the “key features of the mandatory chemical disclosure laws, regulations, and standards.”

These efforts being carried out by US states aim to, among others: (i) provide the public with information on chemical ingredients in products, (ii) promote awareness of chemicals of concern in consumer products, (iii) inform efforts to advance safe substitution, (iv) inform programs to reduce chemicals of concern in products, (v) inform proper end-of-life management for products, and (vi) hold companies accountable for claims they make.

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Biz NGO (April 16, 2020). “Chemical Ingredient Transparency In Products: Review of Existing Public Policies & An Industry Standard.”


CPA and NEWMOA (April 10, 2020). “Chemical Ingredient Transparency In Products: Review of Existing Public Policies & An Industry Standard.” (pdf)