In an article published on March 27, 2017 the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) informed that it has provided comments to the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s (KEMI) consultation on its draft regulation for a national nanomaterial register (FPF reported). NIA expressed the opinion that “the information requirements and administrative burden of the proposal is not proportional to the objective to provide an overview of nanomaterials in products on the Swedish market.” NIA further states that “there is no need to require additional burdens for industries applying nanomaterials compared to conventional use of chemical substances in products.” Therefore, NIA concluded that Sweden should withdraw the proposal for a national nano-registry and rather “focus its resources to support the ECHA Observatory for Nanomaterials” (FPF reported).

KEMI’s public consultation on the Swedish nano-registry ran from November 23, 2016 to March 24, 2017, reported editor Luke Buxton in his article published on March 29, 2017 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch. KEMI received about 20 responses from different agencies, universities, non-governmental organizations, and business organizations, Buxton informed. The majority of the Swedish authorities that have responded to the consultation are in favor of the nano-registry, he further noted. KEMI’s draft regulation would require “companies to provide information on nanomaterials in chemical products to the Swedish products register by 2019,” Buxton explained.

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NIA (March 27, 2017). “NIA provides comments to Swedish consultation on nanoproduct register.

Luke Buxton (March 29, 2017). “Withdraw nano-register proposal, NIA tells Sweden’s KEMI.Chemical Watch

Chemical Watch (January 17, 2017). “Sweden’s KEMI consults on nano-register draft Regulation.