On June 26, 2017 the European Commission’s (EC) Directorate-General for Environment (DG Environment) launched a public consultation on measures to reduce the release of microplastics into the environment. The EC aims to “collect the views of stakeholders and citizens” regarding “policy options to reduce microplastics entering the marine environment.” The consultation is open to all citizens and organizations and closes on October 16, 2017. Responses can be submitted by filling out an online survey that is available in all official EU languages. The consultation is held to inform the EU project eumicroplastics, which aims to support the EC’s upcoming overall strategy on plastics (FPF reported). At the end of 2017, a report summarizing the conclusions and recommendations from the public consultation will be published.

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EC (June 26, 2017). “Public consultation investigating options for reducing releases to the environment of microplastics.


Chemical Watch (June 27, 2017). “European Commission opens public consultation on marine microplastics.

DG Environment (April 4, 2017). “Our oceans, seas and coasts – Descriptor 10: Marine litter.